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Wholesale Agarwood Tea Finest Quality Ready Export To  Brunei Darussalam

Dilihat : 28 kali

Agarwood Cinnamon Tea Suppliers and Manufacturers

Agarwood Cinnamon Tea is original product of East Kalimantan with raw material sourced from own plantation with guaranteed quality and benefits. It’s made from Aquilaria malaccensis leaves and Cinnamon, so that authenticity and quality are guaranteed, starting from the process of picking leaves, processing, to distribution. Sekatup Sari Indonesia as a manufacturer since 2015, there over 3000 agarwood trees at the plantation as the main raw material, aged up to 10 years.

Supply Ability: 5.000 – 10.000 Box per Month (as request), Shelf Life : 24 Month

Baca juga: Distributor Teh Daun Gaharu Untuk Mengobati Diabetes Halal MUI

Selamat Datang di Portal Web Sekatup Sari Indonesia Teh Gaharu produksi asli Kaltim Indonesia berbahan dasar daun Gaharu Aquilaria mallacensis dan Cinnmaon dari perkebunan khusus mutu dan keaslian sudah pasti terjamin mulai dari proses pemetikan daun proses

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Wholesale Agarwood Tea Finest Quality Ready Export To Brunei Darussalam

Arab Saudi, Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mesir, Oman, Qatar, Siprus, Turki, DONE Uni Emirat Arab, Yemen, Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand, done Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar Burma Laos Brunei Darussalam Timor Leste China Japan South Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Macau India Pakistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Nepal Bhutan Maladewa Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Afghanistan

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Agarwood Cinnamon Tea Suppliers and Manufacturers Agarwood / Oudh Cinnamon Tea is original product of East Kalimantan with raw material sourced from own plantation with guaranteed quality and benefits. It’s made from ...

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Agarwood Cinnamon Tea Suppliers and Manufacturers Agarwood / Oudh Cinnamon Tea is original product of East Kalimantan with raw material sourced from own plantation with guaranteed quality and benefits. It’s made from ...

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Agarwood Cinnamon Tea Suppliers and Manufacturers Agarwood / Oudh Cinnamon Tea is original product of East Kalimantan with raw material sourced from own plantation with guaranteed quality and benefits. It’s made from ...

Produsen Teh Gaharu Cinnamon Penurun Berat Badan Terdekat Malang

Posting by Admin

Produsen Teh Gaharu Cinnamon Penurun Berat Badan Terdekat Malang Selamat Datang di Portal Web Sekatup Sari Indonesia Teh Gaharu Cinnamon Kalimantan TimurMembakar kayu Gaharu ialah kebiasaan lama masyarakat Timur Tengah. Orang Timur Tengah sangat menyukai aroma harum yang dihasilkan kayu Gaharu sebagai pengharum ruangan dan banyak pemeluk agama Islam mempercayai bahwa kayu gaharu berasal dari surgaDalam pasar global gaha

16 Kali